Safety Policy Intent Statement
The effective management of health and safety is an important factor in Arc Partnership delivering its objectives and is consistent with its core values of Arc Partnership and that of the Scape. My intent statement supports the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the Arc Partnership health and safety policy by a:
- Commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health
- Framework for setting the OH&S objectives in the business
- Commitment to fulfil legal and other requirements
- Commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce risks
- Commitment to continual improvement of the SMS
- Commitment to consult and participate with employees/workers and workers’ representatives
- Relevancy to the business, documented, available and communicated
- Document being relevant, available and communicated within the business and other interested parties as required
We will ensure employees (including workers) have easy access to the current Arc Partnership health and safety policy, SMS and SMS manual by it being located on the Arc Partnership T drive or being issued as a controlled hard copy to site managers as required.
Arc Partnership health and safety policy, SMS and SMS manual will be reviewed and, if necessary, amended to ensure they meet the needs of changing legislation and business needs. Amendments will be notified and recorded on the amended section at the front of the manual.
Arc Partnership health and safety policy, SMS and SMS manual are indexed for ease of use.
Please take every opportunity to familiarise yourself with their content relevant to your position. If further advice is needed, please discuss with your manager.