Meet our competition winner at Round Hill Primary School
Working with the school, we asked pupils at Round Hill Primary to design a poster highlighting the importance of health and safety, with the winning design being displayed at the public library neighbouring the school, while it undergoes major refurbishment by our team.
More than 75 children entered the competition, all of whom received an Easter egg in recognition of their efforts. The winning poster was created by 11-year-old Sophie, whose mascot design will be turned into a sign to go onsite and remind the public to stay safe when near the building works. She said,
“Staying safe is important for our wellbeing at school and everyone else. I feel really proud of myself for winning the competition, I spent lots of time on my design over half term and it was really exciting when they called my name.”
Seven-year-old Pablo was runner-up and said, “It’s important to be safe, because if you trip or if something falls on your head it will be really hurt. I was nervous when they called my name and proud too!”

Round Hill Primary School in Foster Avenue is located next to Beeston Library, which is undergoing a £1.3million refurbishment. The works will see the library transformed with new windows, heating, roofing and new entrance way in readiness for the new academic year.
With the library construction site adjacent to the school, we’ve been working closely with children and teachers to ensure the safety of pupils and the public. Our site manager, Andy Woodward commented,
“Teachers, parents and pupils have shown great patience with the library development as well as respecting the potential dangers of a construction site, so we’re really grateful for their co-operation. All of the competition designs were fantastic, we’ve been really impressed, which is why every child that entered got a prize to say well done. It was hard to pick a winner, but Sophie’s stood out because she’d really thought about how health and safety is important for everyone and we look forward to putting her mascot design in pride of place at the site, to remind residents, pupils and parents of the importance of staying safe.”
The school’s Deputy head teacher, Jo Hewitt, remarked: “Arc Partnership has been really brilliant, the children get really excited when building work occurs at the school and nearby, so it’s great that they have been so involved and are being rewarded for promoting safety. We’re really looking forward to the library opening in September. When so many libraries are being closed down, we feel really lucky that our local library is being refurbished as it’s a fantastic resource for our pupils.”
It’s been great to go back to the school and see all the effort the children had put into their mascot creations – we hope to share a photo of the winning poster in situ very soon.