Bingham Primary School commended at the Education Business Awards

The School Building Award is presented to the establishment that has a school building designed to provide quality and inclusive learning environments, that demonstrate modern methods of construction and are sensitive to the environment and its surroundings.
Designed and project managed by Arc Partnership and delivered by our construction partner, Morgan Sindall Construction, Bingham Primary School supports the growing community of Roman's Quarter in Bingham, Nottinghamshire.
The £6.3m school provides space to accommodate the needs of the growing Roman’s Quarter community, with 1200 homes having been built in the area. The school provides space for 210 pupils, with 26 nursery places, with the opportunity to expand in the future to accommodate up to 315 pupils.
The school has been designed to be self-sufficient with air source heat pumps, high-efficiency lighting and two electric vehicle charging stations.
Bingham Primary School was our flagship project in our application for Building Information Management (BIM) ISO 19650 accreditation, which we were successful in achieving in autumn 2022. Using BIM, we created a federated model as a digital twin of the school to eliminate construction issues before the school even got to site.
Furthermore, the site also scored 45/45 on the Considerate Constructors scheme, operating at a performance level of Excellent. The project also delivered a high social value return, contributing circa £2.4m to the local community.
Bingham Primary School was built for Nottinghamshire County Council and the Community Inclusive Trust by Morgan Sindall Construction, project managed and designed by our team at Arc Partnership, and procured via the SCAPE construction framework.