James Hince Court EPH demolition

The demolition works at James Hince Court EPH, Windsor Gardens, Carlton in Lindrick, Worksop, S81 9BL, will commence on 10th January 2022 for an approximate duration of seven weeks, finishing 25th February 2022, dependent on government guidelines around Covid-19.

The works include the removal of all structures within the existing site boundary down to concrete slab level. This will be undertaken using traditional mechanical demolition techniques.

During this time every effort will be made to minimise any inconvenience to local residents in terms of dust, noise and traffic.

Contact information

Work onsite will be carried out by AR Demolition. Their contacts during the works are:

Site Manager: Ken Fleming – 07840 050 373

Out of hours contact: Sean Taylor – 07850 773 951

For any further enquiries please email: richard.mills@arc-partnership.co.uk

About AR Demolition

AR Demolition Ltd are a leading demolition and enabling contractor, with an excellent track record in delivering specialist demolition projects across the country, both safely and efficiently.

They have built a wealth of experience and competence in delivering highly sensitive schemes. From Kings Cross station to the centre of Nottingham City, AR have demonstrated their capabilities and their focus on minimising any adverse impacts from demolition to the local community.

Phasing and sequencing

10th January: Site set up

12th January: Soft strip works

24th January: Demolition of buildings

10th February: Process and clearing materials

24th February: Demobilise

24th February: Works complete

James Hince Court B006 gallery James Hince court aerial view gallery James Hince Court proposed fence and gateline
Key project controls

We understand that local residents may have concerns about the demolition works and so have planned key project controls to ensure that there should be no adverse affects to local residents.

Dust, noise and vibration:

Demolition activities for this project involve operations that unavoidably generate noise, dust and vibration. Site emissions will be reduced as much as possible through adopting sensitive techniques and the best equipment available. All works will be undertaken under a full dust suppression system and using other methods such as continually assessing the weather conditions, cleaning down wheels on vehicles before they leave the site and damping down relevant areas.

To reduce noise levels, all equipment is serviced and maintained to minimise noise and vibration and we’ll only work within the agreed hours of:

  • Mon – Fri: 08:00 - 18:00
  • Sat: 08:00 - 13:00

Site Monitoring:

A full monitoring plan is in place to monitor dust, noise and vibration levels. In the unlikely event that levels increase above the permitted levels, works will cease for further investigation.

Covid 19:

The site is Covid secure with health screening, social distancing and hygiene controls in place. Covid champions are monitoring compliance onsite.

Site Traffic & Movements:

Site access will be from Windsor Road and Windsor Gardens. Site deliveries will be programmed outside of peak hours and opening and closing times. This will be planned ahead on a weekly basis.

Traffic disturbance to the local community and third parties will be minimised by:

  • Only using agreed access and egress points;
  • Parking on site only;
  • Obeying traffic and pedestrian management schemes;
  • Planning deliveries in off-peak periods where practical.

If there are any activities likely to cause traffic disruption, we'll contact the local community by the means appropriate.


All demolition exclusions zones for this project fall well within the site boundary. The site itself will be secured and protected using Heras fencing, sufficiently signed to highlight the dangers from the site. This will be supplemented with the use of control banksman.

What will happen to waste generated from the demolition?

All waste produced will be appropriately handled by competent personnel and competent/licensed operators.

We recycle as much as possible and where it isn’t possible, we dispose of in accordance with requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, section 34(1) Part II, Waste Management Duty of Care, the Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005 and other related legislation.

Information about how waste from this project is handled can be made available once complete.